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Peace responsiveness: a paradigm shift to deliver on conflict sensitivity and sustaining peace

16 février, 2023

The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published by Taylor and Francis Online on October 15th, 2022, and can be accessed through the following link: Peace responsiveness: a paradigm shift to deliver on conflict sensitivity and sustaining peace. The article will be part of the forthcoming Development in Practice Special Issue on ‘Conflict Sensitivity/Do No Harm in Development, Humanitarian & Peacebuilding Practice’ – to be published in early 2023, and co-edited by Susanne Schmeidl, Anthony Ware, and Claudio Alberti.


Though the principle of “Do No Harm” is widely accepted, conflict sensitivity is insufficiently implemented in practice. This is frequently perceived as a failure of knowledge or capacity, but more often speaks to deeper challenges and gaps in organisational cultures, individual mindsets, and larger barriers in the aid system. Interpeace supports organisations to adopt peace responsiveness – a holistic approach to transform the ability of actors to act in a conflict-sensitive manner and to deliberately contribute to peace. This paper focuses on the organisational, individual, and systems-wide changes required to implement conflict sensitivity and peace responsiveness in practice.

Photo credit: UN Women/Fahad Abdullah Kaizer